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Showing posts from July, 2023

I Love Being Woke It’s Much Nicer Than Being An Ignorant Fucking Twat Mug

 The Power and Positivity of Waking up Early: A Comprehensive Guide to the Benefits of Early Morning Routines We've all heard the saying, "The early bird catches the worm." While at times it may seem like just another cliché, it holds a lot more weight than one might think. Research shows that incorporating an early morning routine can lead to an increase in productivity, better mental health, and more fulfillment in our daily lives. Join us as we dive into the benefits of waking up early and how to start implementing a meaningful morning ritual. Why Wake up Early? Most of us get caught up in the comfort of our beds, tempted by the idea of snoozing longer or scrolling through social media for that extra half-hour. But there are many reasons why we should consider getting out of bed earlier in the morning. First and foremost, waking up early provides us with more time in t